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I am a first year law student who loves having fun, eating food, and getting fit.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Greek Yogurt and Pure Liquid Whey

Greek yogurt has double the protein of regular yogurt, but it is also more than double the price. That seems way too much when the only difference is that Greek yogurt is strained three times, while regular yogurt is only strained twice after the cooking process. An easy way to save money on Greek yogurt is to buy regular yogurt and strain it yourself. 

Straining is very easy, and only requires a few simple household items: a large bowl, mesh strainer, and coffee filter or cheesecloth. Place the mesh strainer over the bowl, line with either the coffee filter or cheesecloth, and empty the yogurt carton into the lined mesh strainer. Place the yogurt in the fridge and let it strain overnight. 

Yogurt After Straining
Another added benefit of straining the yogurt yourself, is that you also get the liquid whey left behind after straining. Pure liquid whey contains 4 of the most important minerals for the body (potassium, calcium, magnesium & phosphorous), and all 10 essential amino acids. There are 20 amino acids, 10 essential and 10 non-essential. Both are important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but the human body cannot produce the essential amino acids. The only way we can obtain the 10 essential amino acids is through food consumption, which is why pure liquid whey is a great addition to your diet. 

Pure Liquid Whey
From each 32oz carton of yogurt, I end up with a little less than 2 cups of liquid whey. Although the protein count of liquid whey is not nearly as high as that of whey protein powder, it is a very nutritious and most of all natural product that can be used so many recipes, such as smoothies, soups, baked goods, or pancake/waffle batter. I freeze the whey in silicone bake wear overnight. Then, remove the whey cubes and place them in a Ziploc bag for long term storage in the freezer. 

Individual Greek Yogurt Cups
I pay $2 for a 32oz carton of plain yogurt. After straining I am left with about 20oz of yogurt. At the same grocery store a 32oz carton of Chobani Greek yogurt is $6.49. The price of my Greek yogurt is $0.10 per oz, while the Chobani is $0.20 per oz. To some people a savings of $0.10 per oz might not seem like much, but I eat at least a cup of Greek yogurt a day, and by making my own I save $5.60 per week or $291.20 per year. If you factor in the cost of whey protein powder as well the savings is significantly more.


If you happen to forget about the yogurt, and it ends up too strained for your liking, then simply mix some of the liquid whey into the strained yogurt.

It is important to buy plain yogurt to ensure there aren’t any unnecessary added sugars or preservatives. Plain yogurt will also prevent the liquid whey from ending up flavored, which would limit the recipes that you could later use it in.

An easy way to make flavored yogurt is to use plain yogurt and add frozen fruit. If you prefer your yogurt to be sweeter then add vanilla extract and honey to the yogurt and fruit. Allow the mixture to thaw in the fridge overnight, and thoroughly mix before eating.

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